Extra virgin Olive Oil and Dressings
Extra virgin olive oil of especially low acidity, an experience to your taste, since it is produced from 6 particular olive oil varieties - Chalkidikis, Koroneiki, Megaron, Amphissis, Kalamon, Volou – grown in the olive groves in Central and Eastern Macedonia, Greece. The combination of these specific varieties provides olive oil of unique taste and premium quality. Dressing with extra virgin olive-oil, honey and the aroma of citrus trees, lemon and orange. This product is the outcome of the combination of the 6 different olive oil varieties.
Dressing με εξαιρετικό παρθένο ελαιόλαδο, μέλι και αρωματικές ουσίες από εσπεριδοειδή, λεμόνι και πορτοκάλι. Και αυτό το προϊόν είναι δείγμα της γευστικής συμφωνίας που προκύπτει από την ένωση των παραπάνω έξι διαφορετικών ποικιλιών ελιάς.


Extra Virgin 500ml

Extra Virgin 250ml

Citrus Dressing 250ml
Nutrients per 100ml
Energy: (kcal/kj) 824/3389 | Fat (g): 12.8 | Saturates (g): 91.6 | Mono-unsaturates (g): 70.5 | Poly-unsaturates (g): 8.3 | Carbohydrates (g): 0 | Sugars (g): 0 | Proteins (g): 0 | Salt (g): 0